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PreK-PhD Representation
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Lauren is an attorney and founder of the Sabo Law LLC team, based in Columbus, OH.  She specializes in special education representation and student advocacy in a variety of education matters.  She works with students and families to navigate the special education system and provide representation in suspension/expulsions, Title IX cases, residency matters, athletics, issues in higher education, and disability rights, as well as juvenile law and mediation.

Lauren lends a one-of-a-kind perspective as a former multi-intensive special education teacher.  As an educator, Lauren recognized that many of the issues her students faced could only be met with legal advocacy and she was driven by this newfound purpose to pursue a longtime interest in attending law school. Lauren earned her Juris Doctorate from The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law as well as a master’s degree in Public Policy and Administration from the John Glenn College of Public Affairs.

Lauren’s experience working with youth as an educator, coach, CASA Guardian ad Litem, and legal intern at the U.S. Department of Education and in the Justice for Children Clinic furthered her passion to assist underserved youth.  Upon graduation, she was chosen for the Greif Fellowship at The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law.  As a Fellow, Lauren provided legal representation and wrap-around services to juvenile victims of human trafficking throughout Ohio.  Ms. Sabo continues to work with students and families bringing her first-hand experience as a former educator to her work in all matters PreK-PhD.


  • IEP / 504 plans

  • Suspensions / Expulsions

  • Title IX

  • Residency

  • Athletics

  • Disability Rights

  • Juvenile Law

  • Mediation


  • The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, Juris Doctor

  • The Ohio State University John Glenn College of Public Affairs, Masters in Public Policy

  • Miami University, Masters in Biological Sciences

  • University of Colorado, Masters in Urban Education, Curriculum and Instruction

  • Denison University, Bachelors in Sociology and Anthropology

We retained Lauren to represent one of my children in an education related matter. Lauren was the perfect choice. She has a real expertise in education law and a wonderful personality. She gave us great advice and was a superb advocate. She ended up achieving a complete success. She did it through discussion and persuasion, in a completely amicable manner. Because of Lauren, a bad situation turned out as well as it possibly could have.

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